Mark 10:14b-15 CJB
Jesus: “Let the children come to Me, don’t stop them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.“ “Whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it!”
How does a little child – a baby even – feel and behave towards his earthly mom and dad?
- The little child loves his mom and dad unconditionally and looks to them for love, understanding, help, cuddling, setting loving boundaries (even though human boundaries are often arbitrary and are not loving!), protection from others and from themselves.
- The little child trusts his mom and dad without reservation.
- The little child wants his parents to delight in him – and wants to bring them joy.
- The little child needs and wants mom and dad with him all of the time.
- The little child depends on mom and dad for food, water, shelter, cleanliness (baths as needed!). He depends on them to provide for him.
- The little child must trust mom and dad to love him at all times, no matter what…. He has no one else.
My question to myself…. Is this how I feel and behave towards my heavenly Father? Praising Him – He is faithful, even and especially when I am not….